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Changes in regional cerebral blood flow by therapeutic vagus nerve stimulation in depression: an exploratory approach. Zobel A, Joe A, Freymann N, Clusmann H, Schramm J, Reinhardt M, Biersack HJ, Maier W, Broich K. Psychiatry Res. 2005 Aug 30;139(3):165-79
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Transcutaneous vagus nerve stimulation modulates amygdala functional connectivity in patients with depression. Liu J, Fang J, Wang Z, Rong P, Hong Y, Fan Y, Wang X, Park J, Jin Y, Liu C, Zhu B, Kong J. J Affect Disord. 2016 Nov 15;205:319-326. doi: 10.1016/j.jad.2016.08.003. Epub 2016 Aug 11
Transcutaneous Vagus Nerve Stimulation Modulates Default Mode Network in Major Depressive Disorder. Fang J, Rong P, Hong Y, Fan Y, Liu J, Wang H, Zhang G, Chen X, Shi S, Wang L, Liu R, Hwang J, Li Z, Tao J, Wang Y, Zhu B, Kong J. Biol Psychiatry. 2016 Feb 15;79(4):266-73. doi: 10.1016/j.biopsych.2015.03.025. Epub 2015… Read more »
The effects of transcutaneous vagus nerve stimulation on conditioned fear extinction in humans. Burger AM, Verkuil B, Van Diest I, Van der Does W, Thayer JF, Brosschot JF. Neurobiol Learn Mem. 2016 Jul;132:49-56. doi: 10.1016/j.nlm.2016.05.007. Epub 2016 May 21
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Treating Depression with Transcutaneous Auricular Vagus Nerve Stimulation: State of the Art and Future Perspectives. Kong J, Fang J, Park J, Li S, Rong P. Front Psychiatry. 2018 Feb 5;9:20. doi: 10.3389/fpsyt.2018.00020. eCollection 2018
Early cortical biomarkers of longitudinal transcutaneous vagus nerve stimulation treatment success in depression. Fang J, Egorova N, Rong P, Liu J, Hong Y, Fan Y, Wang X, Wang H, Yu Y, Ma Y, Xu C, Li S, Zhao J, Luo M, Zhu B, Kong J. Neuroimage Clin. 2016 Dec 18;14:105-111. doi: 10.1016/j.nicl.2016.12.016. eCollection 2017